Total Medals Earned: 140 (From 39 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,745 Points
Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/190 points)
Kick someone who's already unconscious.
Make five "friends" at once.
Complete Story
Give out ten alarms in one day.
Collect $40 during the story.
Top $100 in Arcade Mode.
Don't get knocked out in the story.
Beat 20 people at the ice rink.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/140 points)
Kill the Hydra Boss 1 time (Game A)
Score 90.000+ without being hit (Game B)
Kill the Hydra Boss 4 times in a row, without failing any QTE (Game A)
Kill the Hydra Boss 7 times in a row (Game A)
Medals Earned: 6/18 (80/500 points)
Make Gretel walk for the first time.
Obtain the slingshot
Get Spider Death
Get the clock
Kill Hansel
Get Rabbit Death
Shoot mom in the face
Get Bee Death
Get Dad Carriage Death
Take 200 shots with the slingshot
Get Axe Death
Get Crow Death
Trap the squirrel
Get Fire Death
Solve clock puzzle
Get all 10 stones
Drop all ten stones
Get all 10 deaths
Medals Earned: 19/30 (105/190 points)
Race the wolf... and lose
Get crushed
Rescue Gretel
Teach hansel how to fly
Be too greedy
Suffer the stickman's wrath
Step on the trap
Reveal the bridge
Slay the beast
Get the pit death
Try and cross the swamp without Hansel
Go for a swim
Pet the teddy
Give Rufus back his hat
Complete the game
Give a dog a bone
Get Hansel to eat the scissors
Disrespect your elders
Beat a dead horse
Keep both dinner guests alive
Get cut
Solve the weather puzzle
Free Emma
Beat the game after getting all the deaths
Medals Earned: 8/10 (95/220 points)
Discover the dog who can speak in the tounge of man.
Experience rebirth the first time.
Kill a living creature with your weapon
Kill an enemy with their own projectile
Awaken her guardians
Defeat Uzaza
Complete the game with the aid of the gun
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/145 points)
You completed the tutorial!
This game sux!!!
Medals Earned: 3/8 (30/150 points)
Break into a Boss Battle without Destroying all the Orbs First
Get the Strongest Armor Helmet
Beat the Boss
Lure an enemy into an acid pool
Reach 99 Ammo
Collect all 7 Permanent Upgrades in One Game
Get the wings
Reach Level 13
Medals Earned: 2/10 (50/160 points)
Complete Zone 2 by defeating the powerful Bagyo.
Complete Zone 1 by defeating the mighty Pigasaurus.
Open all of the chests in the game and obtain their contents.
Fully upgrade Kon's health to 12 hearts.
Obtain a full wallet of 999 kupons.
Collect all four swords across Naturia.
Complete Zone 3 by defeating the evil King Blazer.
Medals Earned: 3/13 (25/390 points)
Collect 100 Gems.
Collect 400 Gems.
Find all the checkpoints in the level.
Play to day 7 and beyond.
Collect All Giant Gems.
Beat the Super Dashing Course in under 25 seconds.
Fill out every entry in the Codex.
Collect every Red Gem on the Level.
Buy every skill.
Max out every single level type.
Defeat Nightmare with only 1 LOVE level.
Complete the game without ever sleeping.
Get 100% completion.